Build Configuration

This is what specifies how to build an object, it can be configured by hand or with decorators (suggested). All the available configuration methods are the same as the decorators mentioned above, the only difference is how you set them. Please use this only if you can’t enable TypeScript’s decorators. import { Builder, BuildConfiguration } from 'tapi.js'; const buildConfig = new BuildConfiguration<TestClass>() .ignore("param2") .transform('toBeTransformed', value => "transformed", value => "transformed again") ....


In order to make a class buildable from a JSON we have to inherit some common behaviors to make is usable to the Builder. How to create a buildable class To do this all we need is to extend the BuildableResource abstract class and to create a constructor without arguments, this will be needed in order to create the instance. import { BuildableResource } from 'tapi.js'; class TestClass extends BuildableResource { // All your other stuff here } Forgetting to include the constructor will result in a compilation error due to the ResourceFactory contract....